Saturday, March 6, 2010

my independent, dependent and controlled variables!!

idea number 1: the affect of temperature on the elasticity of a rubber band

independent variable:
temperature and thickness of rubber band
dependent variable:
elasticity of the rubber band
controlled variables:
time, 'brand' of rubber band and measuring tool(ruler)

idea number 2: does temperature affect density

independent variable:
temperature and liquids of different densities(water, oil, etc)
dependent variable:
density- will it float or sink
controlled variables:
time, container, object and volume of liquid

idea number 3: what type of acid has the most effect on egg shells

independent variable:
acid (vinegar, orange juice, etc)
dependent variable:
effect on the egg shell- how thin/hard the egg shell will be
controlled variables:
time, container, volume of acids and 'brand' of eggs

idea number 4: what type of solution best protects egg shells from acids

independent variable:
solution (Listerine, toothpaste, etc) and sugar-acid drinks
dependent variable:
effect on the egg shell- if the egg shell has changed(in term of colour, thickness of shell,etc)
controlled variables: time, container, volume of solutions/acids and 'brand' of egg, ,

idea number 5: what solvents will remove permanent marker ink best

independent variable:
solvents (water, alcohol, vinegar, etc) and permanent marker pens
dependent variable:
removal of permanent marker ink
controlled variables: time, container, volume of solvents, area of ink spot and piece of plastic

PS. i find it really ridiculous that, just because i can't make up my mind about what to do, i have to do
this for all the ideas i have for the experiment :(

it would be greatly appreciated if anyone can help me narrow down the options

Thankyou!! :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Do idea #5. I remember doing it all the time as a kid, It would amaze me every time!!!
