Thursday, June 17, 2010


it took a while, but i got it done, eventually
for more information please see the tab above named 'SRP report'

i have to go to school early today
and i'm really dreading it

i have to hand in the SRP report before school
i have the beep test period one
and then the marussich science test in the period after

i have a feeling it's going to be a long day...

--ending this FOREVER--
---on the 35th post at 3:45 am, Thursday 17th June, 2010---

i can finally sleep now...not that i'll get a lot of it =.="

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

well i did quite a bit of work today
but, yet again i am very tired

i still haven't finished the report
which means i can't hand it in.. today
which means i have to go to school early tomorrow
to give in this report

hope i get it done today
have to get it done today

for the past 2 days i have:
- done most of my introduction
- my method
- my results (although i'm not quite sure which results table i need to put up yet)
- half the discussion
- couple of sentences of conclusion
- acknowledgment

what i have left to do:
- abstract
- rest of introduction
- figuring out which table is needed in the results
- the other half of the discussion
- finish conclusion
- reference everything
- layout of report
- cover sheet and crest award

i might to the cover sheet and crest award now to get that over and done with

but i still have a lot to do
and hopefully i'll get it all done in time
wish me luck!!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

i'm really tired at the moment and the scrap paper box is too far away from me
so i'm just going to write the notes here :)

note to self:
eggs 1.5.9 are listerine eggs
eggs 2.6.10 are toothpaste eggs
eggs 3.7.11 are salt water eggs
eggs 4.8.12 are tap water eggs

eggs are coke eggs
eggs are lemonade eggs
eggs are fanta eggs

listerine= sodium benzoates= NaC6H5CO2=1 Na
toothpaste= sodium monofluorophosphate= Na2FPO3=2 Na
salt water= sodium chloride solution=NaCl=1 Na

i should really go to sleep now,
but i really want to finish this and i still have my other hw to do :(

public holidays should go on for a few more days...

Monday, June 14, 2010

i just finished the booklet an hour ago.
i felt so happy because i'm finally starting to get some work done

then i go here to post another blog
and i find that many people have already finished their report!!!

congrats to all those people
but i didn't even get chance to celebrate my happiness
and now i'm depressed cause it's really really REALLY close to the due date!!

so i better get on to it


thanking the opportunity to stay home for another day (to do the srp)

public holidays
(especially the queen's birthday):
[see ms, we love science so much we spend our free time doing it]
i have recently made a new tab called the "SRP report"
(see top of page)

this is where i shall put the overall information of the report
so that you can see the process
without having to read about the information

Sunday, June 13, 2010

don't know if this is neccessary or not...HELP!
need some way of putting all the cokes, lemonades, and fantas together... but don't know how

the average table:
i don't think i spent my time wisely yesterday :(
i only..
- made my average results table
- filled in half of my cover sheet and crest award sheet
- found more information on sodium and teeth
- pasted my results onto my report (which took a long time because there was technical difficulties with the computer)
- looked at what i needed to do in the srp booklet (didn't necessarily do it though) AND
- complained about the amount of work i have to do and the short period of time i have to do it in

i have HEAPS more to do, and EVERYONE seems to be further ahead in finishing their report, so i better get started

and hopefully i'll get it done

Saturday, June 12, 2010

well... this long weekend, i have heaps to do (most of them related to science)
and hopefully I'll have them all done :S

what i need to have done for the SRP:
- SRP report
- SRP booklet

what i need to do:
- fill in the cover sheet and the crest award sheet
- find more sources of information of sodium, teeth and the relationship between them
- do the report:
[make an average table]
[remember to reference EVERYTHING in the report- refer to apa]
[NEED to thank Brenda for method]
- do the booklet:

(hopefully that's everything)

btw does anyone know what we need to have for the next blog marking??


goodluck to everybody!!!
don't leave things till the last minute

Thursday, June 10, 2010


pics for trial 2:

doing the experiment:


Friday, June 4, 2010

well, on Thursday(03-06-10), i asked ms zhang about whether i was copying from brenda's method or not and if i could use it. she said i could use the method, but still need the permission from brenda to use it (because i found the idea from her, and not the site).

so then on friday i asked brenda and she was fine about me using the same method. as i recall, her exact words were ' yea, sure'.

i still need include her in my report, thanking her for helping me out.

nyways, getting back to the experiment..

this is the new new table:these are the modified results of trial 1: and the results for trial 2: i will only be conducting 2 trails for this experiment
(mainly because i have run out of time, and because the materials are expensive)

and now that that is done, i have to start my report.

colour white
therefore, if all white, colour= 255 x 3= 765
so the closer the
total colour number is to 765, the closer it is to white
therefore, the higher the number, the lighter it is; the lower the number, the darker it is

and if the egg is 'lighter', then the 'after' result colour number should be greater (and therefore lighter) than the 'before' colour number.
therefore, it should be a positive difference.
if it is a nagative difference, the 'before' colour number is greater(and therefore lighter) than the 'after' colour number.
which means it became 'darker'

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

~continued from last blog~

i just looked through brenda's blog again. and

she actually found how to determine the colour difference from this site:

but she decided to use this 'method' before i even considered it

so, yes, i will still ask her about it
but i don't think i'm copying her, considering that i had no idea anyone else had the same idea till 10pm today, and considering that the 'method' came from the internet (and therefore she did not come up with the idea herself)

well, i hope that sorted things out
i would like to thank brenda for this very awesome idea

i was looking through other people's blog and found that she has done (kinda) the same layout of the results table. so what she did was she got the colour number for red, green and blue( just like i have done) and she calculated the total for before and after results.

in other words,
if, in the 'before' results,
red= 211, green=178, and blue=125, the total is 514,
if, in the 'after' results,
red= 202, green=189, and blue=170, the total is 561.

the difference would then be 47
(note: these are the results from brenda's results)

how she came up with this idea, i have no idea, but it is very clever. this will help me tie up my results.

yes. so that is the way i will be calculating my results.

thankyou very very very much brenda
(this isn't considered copying is it? i mean, i just needed ideas on how to get my results to give me an actual...result. but just in case, i shall ask brenda the next time i see her. and hopefully everything will go well from there)

btw. i just started the 2nd trial today and realised that if i do experiment for coke, fanta and lemonade at the same time, i could perhaps finish it in 5 days!!


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"The longer you wait to have a tooth treated the more intensive, lengthy and costly the treatment will be."

more info:
apparently sodium compounds (especially sodium bicarbonate) prevents tooth decay. click here for info from site

help from wikipedia (for background information):

click here for info about sodium benzoate -(in listerine)
click here for info about sodium monofluorophosphate -(in toothpaste)
click here for info about sodium chloride -(salt)

more sites:


risk assessment-
do not drink any of the liquids as they may contain unhealthy, unknown substances (and it'll taste gross)