Friday, June 4, 2010

well, on Thursday(03-06-10), i asked ms zhang about whether i was copying from brenda's method or not and if i could use it. she said i could use the method, but still need the permission from brenda to use it (because i found the idea from her, and not the site).

so then on friday i asked brenda and she was fine about me using the same method. as i recall, her exact words were ' yea, sure'.

i still need include her in my report, thanking her for helping me out.

nyways, getting back to the experiment..

this is the new new table:these are the modified results of trial 1: and the results for trial 2: i will only be conducting 2 trails for this experiment
(mainly because i have run out of time, and because the materials are expensive)

and now that that is done, i have to start my report.

colour white
therefore, if all white, colour= 255 x 3= 765
so the closer the
total colour number is to 765, the closer it is to white
therefore, the higher the number, the lighter it is; the lower the number, the darker it is

and if the egg is 'lighter', then the 'after' result colour number should be greater (and therefore lighter) than the 'before' colour number.
therefore, it should be a positive difference.
if it is a nagative difference, the 'before' colour number is greater(and therefore lighter) than the 'after' colour number.
which means it became 'darker'

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